Jamaica Fiwi Roots

1898 Obeah Law

[JAMAICA—LAW 5, 2nd June, 1898]

law as published

WHEREAS it is expedient to amend and consolidate the Law relating to Obeah and Myalism:
Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Council of Jamaica, as follows:— 
Short Title
1 - This Law may be cited as " The Obeah Law, 1898. " 
2 - The Laws mentioned in the Schedule hereto are, to the extent therein mentioned, hereby repealed; provided that such repeal shall not affect any prosecution or appeal against any conviction pending on the passing of this Law, but such prosecution and appeal shall be proceeded with as if this Law had not been passed. 
3 - In this Law, unless the context otherwise requires 
"Obeah", "Myalism"
"Obeah "shall he deemed to be of one and the same meaning as " Myalism;" 
"Person practicing Obeah"
"A person practising Obeah" means any person who, to effect any fraudulent or unlawful purpose, or for gain, or for the purpose of frightening any person, uses, or pretends to use any occult means, or pretends to possess any supernatural power or knowledge; and 
"Instrument of Obeah"
"Instrument of Obeah" means any thing used, or intended to be used by a person, and pretended by such person to be possessed of any occult or supernatural power. 
Punishment for practicing Obeah
4 - Every person practising Obeah shall be liable to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for a period not exceeding twelve months, and in addition thereto, or in lieu thereof, to whipping. Provided always that such whipping shall be carried out subject to the provisions of 28 Victoria, Chapter 18, and 29 Victoria, Chapter 7, and be inflicted at a place to be named by the Resident Magistrate making the order.

Provided further, that it shall not be lawful to order more than eighteen lashes in the case of a person of sixteen years of age, or more than twelve lashes in the case of a person under the age of sixteeen years and above the age of twelve years, or more than six lashes in the case of a person under the age of twelve years and above the age of ten years. 

Punishment for consulting for fraudulent purpose, person practicing Obeah
5 - Whoever, for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose, consults any person practising Obeah shall be liable to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for a period not exceeding six months; and, in addition thereto, or in lieu thereof, to whipping, subject as regards such whipping to the proviso contained in section four of this Law.
Provided, that nothing in this law shall be deemed to authorize the infliction of a sentence of whipping on a female. 
Penalty for consulting person practising Obeah.
6 - Whoever, for the purpose of effecting any object, or of bringing about any event, by the use of occult means or any supernatural power or knowledge, consults any person practising Obeah and agrees to reward the person so consulted for such consultation, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding Fifty Pounds, or to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for a period not exceeding twelve months. 
Power to search for Instrument of Obeah.
7 - Whenever it is made to appear upon oath that there is reasonable cause to suspect that any person is in possession of any instrument of Obeah, it shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace by warrant to authorize any officer of constabulary, constable, or rural policeman to enter and search any place, either in the day or in the night, and if any instrument of Obeah is found in any place so searched, to seize and bring it before him to be secured for the purpose of being produced in evidence in any proceeding before any Court of Justice in which it may be required. 
8 - Whenever upon any such search as aforesaid, any instrument of Obeah is found, the person in whose possession it is found shall be deemed, unless and until the contrary is proved, to be a person practising Obeah within the meaning of this Law, at the time at which the instrument of Obeah was so found. 
Power to arrest.
9 - It shall be lawful for any Officer of Constabulary, constable, or rural policeman to arrest without warrant any person practising Obeah. 
Obeah literature suppressed.
10 - If any person shall compose, print, sell, or distribute any pamphlet, or printed matter calculated to promote the superstition of Obeah, he shall be guilty of an offence against this Law, and shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding Twenty Pounds, or in default, to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, not exceeding six months. 
11 - All offences under this Law shall be tried in a summary manner before the Resident Magistrate for the parish in which the same shall be committed. 
Schedule of Laws repealed


Laws Repealed Titles Extent of Repeal
19 Viet. c. 30 An Act for the more effectual punishment of persons convicted of dealing in and practising Obeah and Myalism. The whole Act.
21 Viet. c. 24 An Act to explain the fourth Victoria, chapter forty-two, and the nineteenth Victoria, chapter thirty, and for the more effectual punishment of Obeah and Myalism. Do.
Law 28 of 1892 The Obeah and Myalism Acts Amendment Law, 1892 Do.
Law 1 of 1893 The Obeah and Myalism Acts, Further Amendment Law, 1893. Do.


   The Origins and Evolution of Obeah in Jamaica: A Journey of Resistance and Adaptation